Communication and Interaction
With increasing demand in Early Years, our Advisory Teacher for communication and interaction can support your nursery and early years settings with practical strategies and interventions.
Through staff consultation, observation and assessment work we can support with:
Vocabulary development
Language understanding
Development of social communication skills
Work directly with staff through training and/or staff consultations.
Provide a communication profile to highlight children’s communication strengths and challenges
WOWW – Working on What Works
Our advisory teacher is based in Hull and can work in person across the Humberside region. We offer a range of services from SLA’s to one of pieces of casework, training or consultation. For settings outside of the Humberside region we are able to work online to complete staff consultations and trainings. Please read more about our services below to find out more.
Assessment and Observation
Staff Consultation

Language Assessments
Test of Abstract Language Comprehension, This assessment is based of ‘Blank’ language principles and focusses on children’s understanding of classroom instructions and questions. It assesses which types of questions children can comprehend and which types of questions they find challenging.
5 - 16 Years
In person
Social Communication
We can work with your setting to help you support children experiencing difficulties with social communication.
This usually takes the form of a staff consultation and the completion of social communication checklists by parents/carers and school if working remotely, with the addition of a classroom observation if working in person.
All Ages
Online or in person

Staff Consultation
Online or in person, our staff consultations can be arranged
1-2-1 in advance or as part of staff drop in days depending on how your team prefers to work. Alex can discuss and support all areas of interaction and communication and provide practical strategies and next steps.
All consultations come with summary notes for you to take away.
All Ages
Online or in person
Hour Slots
Supporting Vocabulary Development – Packed full of practical classroom strategies
Supporting communication skills in Early years/ Primary schools/ Secondary schools
Supporting children with social communication difficulties
An introduction to using Colourful Semantics with children

Twilight, Half Day or Full Day
Online or in person

WOWW - Working on What Works
WOWW is a whole class approach to improving classroom behaviour, by focusing on positive praise.
It’s one of our favourites – because it really works!
A WOWW coach will visit your class for an hour a week over 6 weeks, working with teachers and the whole class to set behaviour targets. These targets are scaled and reviewed and discussed in weekly email communications with the class teacher. A final report with all ratings and progress will sent at the end of the 6 weeks.
All Ages
6 Weeks
In person
Enquire about our service
Our specialist teachers are able to work alongside your Educational Psychologist as part of your flexible SLA or bought in separately.
For more information on our Interaction and Communication teacher, get in touch.​
01482 643458 | info@appliedpsychologies.com